Wargaming Tradecraft: Borderlands Miniatures Charity Project


Friday, January 10, 2020

Borderlands Miniatures Charity Project

Headshots from the Heart was a 24 hour charity marathon that some friends and I created and we ended up running it for 3 years total to benefit the Child's Play Charity. With the support of a great group of volunteers, the support of some fantastic businesses and generosity of many people, we raised over $11,000 across the 3 years.

As a donation on behalf of Wargaming Tradecraft, I painted 6 figures to auction off in the event. These miniatures and additional larger display bases were donated by MiniWarGaming.

This page is acting as an index you can use to reach the individual articles.

I painted them in the now popular cell-shaded / cartoon style of the Borderlands franchise and they're possibly the first gaming miniatures to be created in this style. (Spring of 2012) Man, looking over them to create this index, some are soooo rough. But boy do I still love how Young Marcus and Mordecai turned out! Definitely need to revisit this style!

Even Gearbox got involved, giving us game keys to give away and shout outs on social media. (Which crashed our server the first time thanks to the number of people it directed to us!)

Final Photos

If you'd like to see all the final photos of the miniatures, from different angles, then click here.


I think it's worth noting that these being early examples of the style and with an approach from Borderlands, surfaces aren't "flat". That is, they're not a single colour. Instead they're painted

I'm working on a tutorial on one of these minis, so be patient and follow Wargaming Tradecraft!

Until then, you can read a tutorial I wrote when I painted Thagrosh from Privateer Press in the cartoon style back in 2014.

Work in Progress Photos






Young Marcus


From Start to Finish


Showcasing the Bases

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