Wargaming Tradecraft: Non-Traditional Primer for an Age of Sigmar Knight


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Non-Traditional Primer for an Age of Sigmar Knight

 I actually painted this miniature back at the end of last year and apparently missed sharing it on my website. (Though you could have seen it on Facebook.) When Kitchener finally got a Warhammer store, we also got an awesome manager who's rekindled the region's Games Workshop presence. As a welcome, I painted a show piece from their Age of Sigmar box set with my usual style. Reallllllllly impressed with myself as to how it turned out.

Don't really have any WIPs but at the end of the article I want to touch on how to work with non-traditional primer.

Final Photos

Using Non-Traditional Primers

As a base for the knight, I used a gold primer from Canadian Tire. Pretty terrible to paint on actually due to how glossy (shiny) it is.

  1. I used Black Gesso to re-prime all the non-metallic areas.
  2. I used a Seraphim Sepia GW Wash over all the metallic areas. That's what creates the shade and such a large colour discrepancy from this base photo and the finished ones.

    The other benefit of the wash is that it creates a decent layer to paint over.
  3. Paint everything else, highlight edges to white.
Another option to deal with a bad base would be to use Clear Gesso. (Though I still haven't tried it myself.)

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