Wargaming Tradecraft: Wargaming Tradecraft presents: Work in Progress


Monday, September 14, 2015

Wargaming Tradecraft presents: Work in Progress

I'm proud to announce that this Saturday, September 19th, Wargaming Tradecraft will be representing the miniature community at this year's Maker Expo located at the City Hall in Kitchener, Ontario.

"Work in Progress" is an art exhibit demonstrating the process taken to complete miniatures, terrain and special effects. I'll also be involving visitors of the event by inviting them to participate in ongoing group paints throughout the day.

What is Maker Expo?

From their website: "Maker Expo is a diverse, family-friendly showcase of makers, artists and organizations who create amazing things in celebration of the do-it-yourself spirit."

(and it's free!)

There will be all sorts of cool exhibitors showing off items of technological and artistic innovation.

Interested in Attending?

As mentioned, it's going to be held at City Hall in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Join the Facebook Event.

Check out the full details here.


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