Wargaming Tradecraft: Wargaming Tradecraft asks for your Help


Monday, January 19, 2015

Wargaming Tradecraft asks for your Help

4.5 years ago, I created Wargaming Tradecraft after enjoying helping people out on a forum. Since then, with the help of a fantastic community, I've built it in to a site packed full of useful information for new and experienced artists alike.

However, the life of a 30-something computer administrator / radio engineer can get in the way and this past year certainly impacted the number of tutorials and articles I was able to write. Even then, site traffic remained strong and showed that people were still finding their answers within my pages.

(Big thanks to TheWife for putting together this video!)

You and I can bring Wargaming Tradecraft to the next level.

My vision is the ability to work full time on writing detailed tutorials for the public with regular work in progress updates showing other processes. To reach this point I've launched a campaign on Patreon, which works like Kickstarter.

Anyone can become a patron by pledging a certain amount of money to be automatically donated monthly until you choose to stop. I have a whole list of rewards depending on the amount, ranging from email support to group and one-on-one video training. I've even created a list of roughly 3 years worth of planned tutorials which a pledge level can add to and prioritize which will be written first. The monthly amount raised will dictate how committed to Wargaming Tradecraft I can afford to be.

Every dollar really does help.

I get a lot of hits - If everyone pledges a little, it adds up to a lot. Eventually, this would mean I could afford to buy things I wouldn't normally pick up. I wouldn't think twice about buying a Warjack or a Dreadnought to write a Tutorial on magnets. If I saw a cool new supply, I could easily pick it up and show you how it works.

A few things make this campaign and Wargaming Tradecraft stand out from others:
  • First and foremost, you're funding education that will be FREELY accessible by ANYONE.
    • I have no intention of charging for the website content in the future.
      (If I ever do write books, they'll be organized compilations of stuff that will still be free online.)
  • I offer some real rewards as a thanks for helping to make this knowledge available.
  • I already have 4.5 years worth of tutorials that showcase the high quality product you're supporting.
  • Rather than just posting photos of finished miniatures or long descriptions without demonstrating what's being talked about, I focus on taking plenty of pictures and writing easy to follow tutorials.
  • Visual Index Pages to reference all articles.
    • Easily find the information you're after.
    • This prevents old content from becoming lost in archives.
    • These are linked along the top navigational bar of the site.
  • My content targets both beginners and experienced hobbyists with a commitment to providing a child safe environment.
    • I start with the very basics and ramp up to cool techniques.
  • I've been broadcasting video and audio live on Twitch as I work.

For full details, visit my Patreon page.
Even a dollar or two helps

Pictured below is the loot available for the two Closet Clean-out Giveaways. 3 people at each level will get to choose one of the available sets.

How else can you help?

LIKE Wargaming Tradecraft on Facebook and SHARE this campaign with your friends.

Follow me @InDavesLife on Twitter

and SHARE this campaign with your friends.

Follow via RSS using a reader like Feedly.

Most importantly, BE PART OF THE COMMUNITY. I'm not an invisible face behind the curtain. Comment, discuss and share your own thoughts. I've sometimes updated articles as readers offer ways to improve on them.

Also, peruse Wargaming Approved, an Amazon store I've put together that lists supplies I use to punch my projects through to the next level. (Note, I'm not actually selling these, it's basically just a list.) It appears that this may only work for Canadians, unfortunately... Amazon hasn't figured out a good way to work across borders.

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