Wargaming Tradecraft: New Graphics


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Graphics

In the interest of improving the quality of Wargaming Tradecraft, I've been spending the last little while upgrading all my Index pages to a graphical layout. In addition to the Primary Indexes linked at the top of the site, I've also upgraded the Airbrush Index and the Dictionary.

As I work to make this site more professional, I want visitors to be able to quickly and easily find the information they're after. Visuals are one way to strongly communicate what it is you're reading about and grab attention fast. I've also changed links to "Google blue" due to studies that it's just what we're expecting and they get more clicks.

Let me show you what I'm talking about:

These expand on all the areas of miniature hobbying and contain much more detail.
Modelling Steps
  • From purchase to finish, everything you need to know to get your minis ready to field.
Terrain & Bases
  • Tutorials on how to create terrain to bring your miniatures to life.
  • Can all be applied to miniature's bases as well as battlefield objects.
  • Methods to add more detail and creativity to your miniatures.
  • Contains links to all the special tutorials I've written using paint and/or supplies.
Hobby Tips
  • Generic tips and tricks to improve your ability to hobby.
  • Covers staying organized, cleaning tools, taking pictures, lighting, etc.
  • An alphabetical list of all the tools and supplies you might want to buy with links to more info on each.
  • Begins with the Essentials, then continues with all the extra, helpful and cool options.
  • Links to the awesome Army and Miniature Projects I've got on the go.
  • Includes Work in Progress breakdowns showing my process.
  • Articles I've written on different aspects of our hobby.
  • Includes getting started, art theory, saving money, tactics, patience and blogging.

In addition to this, I've improved my social media covers. You'll notice I left out the site name from these and that's because when you're on the page, it already overlays that for you. I want to capture the viewers attention and convey what Wargaming Tradecraft is about, showing off reasons why you should follow the things I do.


Would you believe that not only is that me in the right photo, but I took it myself?
YouTube covers are awkward and giant because it has to be sized for viewers accessing the channel from a TV.
On computers, tablets and phones, it just uses a strip along the center.


  1. Nice job, man. The indexing is not only useful but the visuals really make it easy to glance through. You have so many great articles here it's nice to see them get the attention they deserve.

  2. Thanks, and I've seen a ton of referral traffic from these pages since putting them up, so I can tell that the new format is doing its job.


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