Wargaming Tradecraft: Coming Soon: Tradecraft Live


Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Coming Soon: Tradecraft Live

In the near future, (See: As soon as I figure out the best way to mount the webcam  that keeps it out of the way but lets you fine folk see everything, and I have a few ideas.) I'll begin streaming my painting sessions live to the world. They'll be in HD, at least if the old computer next to my painting station can handle it :) Hoping to get things going in the next day or so to be honest. I figure as long as I'm painting, might as well stream it while chatting with anyone who wants to watch about what I'm doing and answering questions live.

You'll be able to watch here:


If you click "Follow", you'll be emailed whenever I go live. This will also give me an idea of how many people are interested in what I'm doing and the validity of possible future plans.

I'm also hoping this will assist my own focus. If I'm broadcasting, I can't be distracted by MEDIEVAL LAND FUN-TIME WORLD now can I?

For now, I won't be posting video tutorials. It takes long enough to write tutorials here to the quality I hold myself to, I'm sure video ones would be even more time consuming.

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