Wargaming Tradecraft: Win a Custom Painted Miniature from Wargaming Tradecraft


Monday, April 28, 2014

Win a Custom Painted Miniature from Wargaming Tradecraft

Yup, that's right - I'm going to do something I don't do and pony up my painting services to the lucky winner of one of the many auctions during the Headshots from the Heart 24 hour charity marathon for Childs Play this weekend.

Have a special character model you’d like to stand out from the rest? Maybe a leader or great warrior for an army? Perhaps your epic hero for Dungeons and Dragons? I’ll paint a small or medium sized miniature (that you provide) and will even discuss doing some minor modification like custom green stuff sculpting.

Details such as colour and composition, painting style, basing, effects, weathering and modifications will be worked out with the winner after the auction. Quality will be of a professional level, such as models from my current Hordebloods project.

The auction starts at 8:30 PM EST on May 3rd, so tune in as we stream everything on TwitchTV. (In HD this year!)

Be sure to visit the Auction Schedule and see what else is up for grabs this weekend!

And if you're in Ontario, consider coming out to see the Gaming Expo, join the Gaming Extravaganza (LAN, board gaming, etc) and other events we'll have going on. Not only will it be a bunch of fun, but there's more great stuff up for grabs to participants!

Also check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

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