Wargaming Tradecraft: Warmachine: Tactics - LAST DAY


Friday, August 09, 2013

Warmachine: Tactics - LAST DAY

I just wanted to remind you, incase you were waiting.. that today is THE LAST DAY to Kickstart Warnachine Tactics.

You can add on some great stuff, like models and novels as well as in-game rewards exclusive to Kickstarter backers.

So what are you waiting for?

If you want to see what you're paying for...

The models you can add on are limited edition and look BEAUTIFUL. Yes, the characters will be available later, but these sculpts are for the Kickstarter only - they'll actually be breaking the moulds later.

It's on Steam's Greenlight program, but why wait when you can support it now and improve what the game comes with?

They've added all the factions but 1... and we're not far off from that goal:

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