Wargaming Tradecraft: Tabletop Day, Saturday March 30th


Friday, March 29, 2013

Tabletop Day, Saturday March 30th

So this Saturday, March 30th is Tabletop Day!

What's that mean? Well, basically you can probably go to your FLGS and check out a bunch of gaming activities.

Personally, I'll be over at Hugin and Munin in Windsor, Ontario. They're open from Noon to 10p for the day with tons of great people bringing a wide selection of games. My Hordebloods will be on site, and I'll be bringing some Super Dungeon Explore and Sedition Wars. There's going to be some tester Hordes and Warmachine armies, Blood Bowl, Malifaux, and hopefully some of these games.

You can find plenty of information at the Windsor Gaming Resource on some of the FREE SWAG that's being given away.

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