Yeah, tip of the iceberg here |
Like Lauby, I'm having to move. (though not nearly as far as him!) It still means tearing down my studio though, then setting up a new one. I've stolen his idea and taken some photos of the teardown... but what's really exciting me is the prospect of bunkering in to a new hobby-hole and seeing what I can do with the new space.
Because I had some content saved up, and I've had to keep this move secret until the announcement at work, we already found a place and I'm actually moving this weekend and we're about packed up. This means that there shouldn't be too much of a delay. (hopefully) Also, we were able to arrange internet to get transferred the day me move in - yay!
I'll try to take a last minute hop online to post the pics I've taken before tearing down my computers Friday... then next week I should have some time to post at least about the studio setup, and maybe even to put a post on terrain flock together and just needs some pics edited.