Wargaming Tradecraft: New times ahead (promotion = delay)


New times ahead (promotion = delay)

Yeah, tip of the iceberg here
Seriously, it's been quite the summer for delays to my plans for getting some new real content up on this blog, and it looks like there's going to be another one. My work's had one of those shake-ups that nobody enjoys going through, and luckily not only do I still have a job, but I've actually gotten a promotion and been given rule over a site of my own! (broadcast radio + computer/IT engineering)

Like Lauby, I'm having to move. (though not nearly as far as him!) It still means tearing down my studio though, then setting up a new one. I've stolen his idea and taken some photos of the teardown... but what's really exciting me is the prospect of bunkering in to a new hobby-hole and seeing what I can do with the new space.

Because I had some content saved up, and I've had to keep this move secret until the announcement at work, we already found a place and I'm actually moving this weekend and we're about packed up. This means that there shouldn't be too much of a delay. (hopefully) Also, we were able to arrange internet to get transferred the day me move in - yay!

I'll try to take a last minute hop online to post the pics I've taken before tearing down my computers Friday... then next week I should have some time to post at least about the studio setup, and maybe even to put a post on terrain flock together and just needs some pics edited.