Well, not quite... but tomorrow! Morning! After being up late to finish off packing! /sigh
And internet is being horrible today... maybe just cause they've provisioning our services elsewhere? We're still slated for connection tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be communicado this weekend as to how the move goes... If not... I guess less things to distract me a more time to settle in?
Unfortunately, I'll probably setup the studio last. Why? So I have the most time to set it up of course. We've got a nice little 3 story (2 + basement) quadplex... Living room will involve some shoving of furniture and wiring of stereos/tvs/gamestations.... All I'm concerned about in the kitchen is my booze... (which isn't a horrible statement about how I view women - my wife's just particular about where things will go, and I work from that when I cook.) The computer room / office is a pretty standard setup, nothing unusual, just time consuming to wire cleanly. Bedroom is also pretty straight forward as is the basement / laundry room.
But the guest / hobby room will take some doing to setup exactly how we like.. especially since I'll have to figure out how to handle shelves on the thin wood walls. Either way, I'm hoping to clock some serious hours in there coming up and everything's gotta be just right... I'll also aim to get a terrain post up at the beginning of next week, hobby room sorted or not... so stay tuned!
In the meantime, here are the photos that I've been taking over the last week:
Liquor stores provide free boxes that are perfectly sized for manageable loads! |
That's a lot of stuff to get packed away.. wrap those bits boxes in cling-wrap! |
I suppose I need to organize my tools and get some locks to keep the drawers shut... |
So much stuff... glad I kept the box for my new saw...
And yes, I know.. I need to get around to turning that wood in to a battlefield... |
Hobby room / guest room, makes for a great use of space!
More stuff to pack, more tools.. still want to paint up my epic minis...
Think I'd devalue those Star Wars miniatures by painting them? Not sure I care. |
Found an apartment after a few days of searching? Move next weekend? Guess I don't need to leave my hobby supplies out.
Yup, that's my Netflix / DVD / Music computer.
If you're still wondering about that Menoth White plushie, it's a Yeast (BEER) Amoeba. |
Bitz boxes are a great place to store your smaller tools, and tiny lightsabers. |
You can bet the air brush is going inside some foam. |
Zip-lock bags for all my brushes and tools to keep the separate.
Also, another for all the paints that go w/ the Warlock I'm currently painting, rather than have to find them all again.
Don't cringe about the brushes - I keep ALL the plastic tubes when I buy a brush, and this is why.
(my dry-brushes will be fine though.)
I still pack them carefully, since some of my larger brushes don't have plastic tubes. |
Nice and packed up, now I need some tape. |
Misc stuff.. fantasy minis.. LEGO... |
More misc stuff... |
Terrain bits... man, all this stuff's going to need a home at the new place. |
I threw out ALL of this... some times, it's time to say goodbye to the junk you think one day might become terrain.
(And it makes TheWife love me even more whenever I throw out "terrain") |
Not as fancy as Lauby's garbage bag encased solution, but I'm only moving 45 minutes away, not 1000 miles.
Plus, movers don't take these, so I have to transport them anyways. |
Just about there... Last minute things to do tonight. (Which sucks, because we wanted to see Total Recall)
Need to tape those bins full of flock and rock up, throw all the little things in misc boxes, etc... |
I still need to tear down that hobby computer, my primary computer, and finish off a bunch of last minute stuff... So I'll leave you all hear, and see you in a few days. At least work's paying for the move and given me a few lieu days to use in the next week-ish to help get settled since we've moved so fast. Wish us luck!
That is awesome man. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteAre you still living in Wind'sore?