Wargaming Tradecraft: New Camera, new photos, new times


New Camera, new photos, new times

Since TheWife got me my new camera, I've been discovering all sorts of fantastic photo opportunities. So, now that I've got something that can take pictures of freaking moon-craters, I figured it's time to revisit some of the pictures from my Casio that just didn't make the cut. (By the end, most of the pictures I was posting to my blog were being taken with my camera phone...)

As a reminder, I've already got posts on Photographing Your Minis and Lighting Your Hobby Area which are well worth a read for anyone interested in taking better photos for their blogs or galleries.

So, using my new light box (instructions to follow in a later post) I've reshot Madrak, the Dire Troll Mauler and my Impaler. While I have updated my DeviantArt shots, I'll include the photos lower so you can see them. Also notice I've created a nicer mini-logo for images and I'm using a background a little nicer than just plain white. I kinda like it - what do you think?

Firstly, what's the diff? Well, my old camera didn't handle smaller details so well. The following is as example for yourselves.

And now, the actual detail shots:


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