And now, it's time to begin painting my Borderlands figure: Brick.
A lot more space to paint as he's quite a bit larger than the others. In the interest of keeping things interesting, I'm still trying to do things a little different
To begin, I hash out the colours I'm planning on using, like when I started Lilith. Instead of painting, I thin down everything and wash the colours on. But also, while his blue jeans are still wet, I add some layers of highlights using whites and greys. By doing this while the base layer is wet, you can really blend things nicely.
I've also highlighted his skin with some bleached bone, while leaving the shadows untouched. This adds a much needed softening to his skin.
Nurgle's plague has been circulating my work lately, which has impacted the speed of my progress, but I do believe I'm on the mend, so you should see more next time.

Final figures will be auctioned off, all proceeds going to the Childs Play charity during the Headshots from the Heart marathon.
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