Today, I painted up his armour, and I ended up with a fantastic looking model if I do say so myself. Still a ways before being done, but a great proof of concept for this whole project.
Once I've painted on all the green, this is what we have:
Not great yet, because while there's a lot of nice brushed green armour, there's no shading. Before we get to that though, I'm going to paint the trim so that I can shade them together.
my apologies for the photos... my camera is once again being stupid... |
Now, what do I mean by cell-shading? It's that rendering style that video games use to make their graphics look like cartoons. (Most notably the black out-lining around everything) I usually avoid shading with black washes these days, because a black shade tends to destroy colour. I prefer to use darker shades of the colour I'm painting.
However, this is the other aspect of that "borderlands style" - contrast. Borderlands has a bold look, and this is partly created by using light colours to fill space, and making them stand out by going very dark in the shadows and edges.
Close ups with my microscope let you see that I'm keeping the black wash just to crevices. Basically, I just used a fine brush and painted the black wash in, rather than the usual method of slapping a wash all over a surface.
As I said before, I think as of this step I'm happy with where things are headed... definitely a pleasing "proof of concept" step to move forward full steam ahead.
What do you think?

Final figures will be auctioned off, all proceeds going to the Childs Play charity during the Headshots from the Heart marathon.
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