Wargaming Tradecraft: Hordebloods: Krielstone Warlocks 3 - And then disaster struck...


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hordebloods: Krielstone Warlocks 3 - And then disaster struck...

Inspection of the gel this morning, looks like I saved him...
 Dropped it... WHILE a layer of gel was being put on... arg...

I'm saving the build of this Voidwalker and all the layering for a single post... but here's a teaser... to share last night's frustration...

All that airbrushing and blending... :(

Take a look at my Step by Step page for the entire Hordebloods project.

Here you will find each model broken down into links showing each step:
Concept, Works in Progress, (for both modelling and painting) and Final Shots


  1. Damn. I've had so many tragedies during projects and every time they make my heart sink.

  2. seeing this makes me glad I'm not as serious about my painting. I'd have gone on a rampage if that happened to me.


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