Wargaming Tradecraft: Weekly Update


Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekly Update

Last Week at Wargaming Tradecraft

Back to work on the Impalers this week.. and my gaming articles continue with Choosing a Game System.

On a personal note, we broke 100,000 hits (in 1.5 yrs) this week! Woo!

Last Week in the Community

Great round up of links this week... about time for me to get crackin too.

There's a new 40k fan movie in the works... hopefully it doesn't get shut down, but it looks awesome!


Donate to the Blood Ravens Army Project for a chance to win a bundle! (Proceeds go to Childs Play)


Worth bringing to light, is an article from the Antipope regarding a horrible article in a Greek newspaper:

I also want to shine some light on PayPal ruining Christmas this year: (warning, language)
It's all down hill, and in the end, poor kids lose, PayPal keeps their cut of all transactions, freezes all accounts of the person trying to do charity work.. the whole thing can be summed up in the following quote from a PayPal support rep:
PAYPAL: And what you’re doing is not a worthy cause, it’s charity.
REGRETSY: What’s the difference?
PAYPAL: You can use the donate button to raise money for a sick cat, but not poor people.
via GAS.. they since gave a not-apology and haven't really done anything to stop it from happening again. They're also not the first fundraiser PayPal has screwed with poor customer service.


Creating realistic blood http://nestorvminis.blogspot.com/2011/11/create-realistic-looking-blood-with.html

Thor's got a good read up on advertising.. I might have to try this out http://creativetwilight.com/2011/12/review-project-wonderful/

Tree and Tree house http://chestofcolors.com/build-me-a-tree-tutorial/

Destroyed vehicle craters http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2011/12/making-destroyed-vehicle-craters-out-of.html

Massive Voodoo's got some great stuff from the last while:
differences in black http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2011/12/black-is-new-black.html
Sculpting Red Riding Hood http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2011/12/step-by-step-sculpting-little-red.html
Adding oil paints to your acrylics http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2011/12/oil-paints-complete-your-acrylic.html


WIP shots from Privateer Press of sculpting the Trollblood Battle Wagon http://privateerpress.com/community/privateer-insider/insider-12-5-2011

Travel with a toolkit for cleaning minis


Alice in Wonderland Orks? http://www.ninjabread.co.uk/2011/11/30/mordheim-orc-wonderlanders/

A completed Spare Hulk Terminator Squad http://gardenninjastudios.blogspot.com/2011/12/squad-lorenzo-finished.html


An essay on your imagination in roleplaying games http://www.tabletophell.com/2011/12/role-playing-games/

A great example of diversity in painting http://chestofcolors.com/1001-ways-to-paint-yarry-warning-101-pics/

An interesting interview http://volomir.blogspot.com/2011/11/painting-with-vincent-hudon.html


Infinity Overview http://www.ninjabread.co.uk/2011/11/24/infinity-for-40k-players/

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