Wargaming Tradecraft: Impaler [10] More green stuff mohawk hair


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Impaler [10] More green stuff mohawk hair

 Just about finishing off my other Impaler, is also the hair aspect.. another mohawk, but this time more of a trihawk.

To start off, a slight mod to the base. By default he ends up being way too far forward since he's holding the other model. So, I cut a new slot and used some green stuff to give his base a level surface.

Like the first one, I start by creating a "skeleton" for the hair. Once it dries, I can safely and easily work on the hair and it'll keep its shape.

I start with the middle mohawk, a little smaller than usual. Once again, I take a piece of green stuff and smooth it over both sides. Then, using a few picks, I streak both sides of the hair, then dot the top of it.

While that's drying, I roll out a snake of green stuff nice and thin, fold it in half and twist it together. Taking a small section for each side of his head, this becomes some braided hair. I push it against the sides of his head, and work the green stuff so that a) it's got "hair" streaks and b) it appears to be growing out of his head.

Once all that's dry, I repeat making the hair on each side of his head. This time I go a little taller and thinner though.

And here's where we're at:

Take a look at my Step by Step page for the entire Hordebloods project.

Here you will find each model broken down into links showing each step:
Concept, Works in Progress, (for both modelling and painting) and Final Shots

1 comment:

  1. Great tutorial, the hair looks fantastic. Will be adding you to my Blog Roll.


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