Wargaming Tradecraft: Foodmachine 2011 Charity Auction and WIP painting


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Foodmachine 2011 Charity Auction and WIP painting

A little while back, Papa JJ of DiceRolla posted about a charity project going on called Foodmachine, raising money for Feeding America. [ http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=5271 ]

Basically, the idea was to get a bunch of people together to paint up a pirate army for Warmachine that would have an orange (hunger awareness) colour theme. Next, that army would get raffled off. For every dollar you give, ($10 minimum) you've got a chance to win the whole thing.

If you'd like to donate a little something or see photos of the figures, visit the following link:
(Photos are from the artists - they're in the process of being uniformly based and professionally photographed)

Here's a list of the artists involved:

If you've got a blog, Twitter, Facebook, why not share a link to the donation page as well?
(Feel free to copy and paste my above description, and/or the below release if you want to save some time.)

"While official Foodmachine tournaments end this Sunday (1/1/12), there is a way you can still help out the cause.  Expert painters from around the world have been painting up models for a Tier 4 Shae army using orange in the paint scheme.  (Orange is the color of hunger awareness).  We have a few early photos up on our donation site in this "soft opening" phase to whet your appetites.  Soon we will have all the models based and well-photographed so you can see what you will ultimately win.

Here's the website with all the details of the raffle:  www.razoo.com/Foodmachine2011/

Read more details about it at the Lost Hemisphere blog:  http://losthemisphere.com/blog/?p=18027

Listen to some information about it at the Elite Cadre podcast:  http://elitecadre.wordpress.com/2011/12/24/bonus-episode-1-a-visitor-from-afar/

Thanks in advance for your donation and good luck winning the army!"

Papa JJ sent out minis to people who wanted to get involved in the project, so here are my WIP photos for the Sea Dog Crew Leader. Nothing detailed, as I was focusing on the work, but here you are:

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