Wargaming Tradecraft: Weekly Update


Monday, October 31, 2011

Weekly Update

Last Week at Wargaming Tradecraft

Big news this week - painting has begun on Madrak!

And to keep all that straight, I talk about the importance of having a notebook.

Last Week in the Community

Incase you missed it, Lantz has launched v3 of the Adeptus Mechanicus Codex.


Old School has outdone himself with this find http://darkfuturegaming.blogspot.com/2011/10/six-days-of-horror-our-scary.html
and this http://darkfuturegaming.blogspot.com/2011/10/six-days-of-horror-day-2-haunted.html
They've also got a nice lookin pumpkin http://darkfuturegaming.blogspot.com/2011/10/happy-halloween-dark-future-games.html

And a list of his own works http://darkfuturegaming.blogspot.com/2011/10/six-days-of-horror-day-3-our-scariest.html


Massive Voodoo shows off some airbrushing http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2011/10/tutorial-tabletop-use-of-airbrush.html
and lamp making http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2011/10/tutorial-building-lamps-on-frutti-di.html

Ron brings free(ish) metallic weather powder to everyone http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2011/10/using-standard-pencil-for-weathering.html


Excellent discussion on arguments and opinions http://www.houseofpaincakes.com/2011/10/frontline-gamer-responds-to-gmort.html

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the links. Wolfson deserves all the credit for the holloween celebration and of course the pumpkin.
    The is was a great week for hobby on the hoofs and you grabbed the best of it between Ron and Massive Voodoo, both of which offered tutorials that I have added to my hobby techniques. My hat goes off, however, to Lantz for his codex, the latest refinements look good and that's the kind of dedication that made this the hobby I got into years ago.
    Thanks again Dave!


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