Wargaming Tradecraft: Weekly Update


Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekly Update

Last Week at Wargaming Tradecraft

Not much recently, but I did get some more work done on my Troll Impaler.

Last Week in the Community

There's been a real lack of tutorial-like-posts. Enough in fact that I've started reducing the blogs I read since time seems to be more precious these days. If anyone's got some suggestions, that would be awesome... sites that really focus on painting / hobby TUTORIALS. (Not all these gallery blogs I see)


Building with styrofoam http://darkworkshop.blogspot.com/2011/08/terrain-destroyable-pink-foam-intact.html

Sculpting crab legs/claws and other chitin http://chestofcolors.com/how-to-sculpt-crab-legs-and-pincers/


Using drywall patch for terrain http://badbrush.blogspot.com/2011/09/using-drywall-patch-for-terrain.html


A VERY nice twist on Space Hulk marines http://gardenninjastudios.blogspot.com/2011/09/sergeant-lorenzo.html


Titan http://tutzdes.deviantart.com/art/Reaver-Titan-169289220
Nurgle Primarch http://saint-max.deviantart.com/art/The-XIV-Primarch-257048368
Tau http://brothercasius.deviantart.com/art/Tau-Pathfinder-255658161

Banshee http://killjoysch.deviantart.com/art/w40k4-257430995
Banshee http://tacticangel.deviantart.com/art/The-Legend-Redux-256806240
Pirate http://thevampiredio.deviantart.com/art/eldar-pirate-prince-139582289


Increasing Cost, Decreasing Value http://www.ayearoffrugalgaming.com/2011/09/frugalnomics-increasing-cost-decreasing.html

Loq talks about Funk (the smelly kind) http://www.houseofpaincakes.com/2011/09/musings-of-game-store-owner-getting.html

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