Wargaming Tradecraft: Madrak [3] and Impaler [6] Stones WIP


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Madrak [3] and Impaler [6] Stones WIP

Today, I begin making Thrull's hammer into stone... because the stone looks awesomely similar. (Scroll down)

I've also got a few more steps done for the Impalers.

 Always, ALWAYS be safe... as my cutting got smaller, I began using these to hold on to the stone.
Like before, I polished the stone after I'd cut it... this gave it a clean look. There's not as much white to this stone as in Thrull's hammer, but I still think it's true to what I'm aiming for.

Annnnd stones are drilled out. (grinded actually... these stones are much harder than the hobby ones, so I couldn't pin them deep) Now they're glued into place. Next up, grind them into spear heads.

Take a look at my Step by Step page for the entire Hordebloods project.

Here you will find each model broken down into links showing each step:
Concept, Works in Progress, (for both modelling and painting) and Final Shots

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