Wargaming Tradecraft: Foodmachine 2011


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Foodmachine 2011

So here's something I read over at diceRolla.... Papa JJ has a post about a food drive that Privateer Press is pushing for the holiday season.

It's a combination of collecting cans at your local hobby shop that are to be donated to your local food bank as well as painting up a model (un-based) to send to Privateer Press, who'll auction off a complete army for charity.

 You can find all the info about it here: http://www.njsobs.com/foodmachine/foodmachinemain.html , but basically, it's a 2 part drive:

Canned Goods Collection

  1. Talk your local hobby store into doing a series of Privateer Press gaming events. (I suppose you could adapt it to GW as well) 
  2. Collect canned food at these events.
  3. Players who donate cans get a certain amount of "cheats" to use in game.
Painting for Charity

  1. Sign up here and pick a mini
  2. Paint and deliver it to Privateer Press by December 2nd, 2011.
  3. Privateer press will base and auction them for charity.
HOWEVER, models must have an orange colour scheme, which is apparently the colour of hunger awareness.
AND, if there's a chance you can't get done and delivered during that time frame, please leave the spot open for someone who can.

Now, here's a spot of awesomesauce - If you hop over to Papa JJ's post about it, he's willing to send one of his Sea Dogs to a select few who sign up if you don't already have one to paint.

I've also added Foodmachine 2011 to my charity list on the right.

I'll be painting up one of the Sea Dogs, and looking forward to it!


  1. Wow, Dave! Thank you for helping to spread the word about both Foodmachine 2011 and the charity painting effort. Awesome!

  2. I'm going to take any chances I can to pimp out charity efforts :)


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