Wargaming Tradecraft: Happy Birthday Wargaming Tradecraft - A Year in Retrospective


Saturday, July 02, 2011

Happy Birthday Wargaming Tradecraft - A Year in Retrospective

One whole year, wow! A lot has happened in these last 12 months and it's been a really positive experience. For those of you who don't know the story, I began posting a few tutorials with my pics at Deviant Art and it gave me the bug to create something more. I've gotten a lot of work done, met lots of new awesome people and learned a whole bunch. There's been some great collaborative project like Back to Basics and creative ones like Punk Art. With these things came recognition in the form of plenty of positive comments and even a "Best of" award. I even made it to Games Day last year with both my entries making it into the First Cut.

The blog's gone through some layout changes and I'm happy with how I've streamlined things and cleaned it up from what it started like. Social media is one area I'm still experimenting with and seeing what the possibilities are - take a look at my Facebook and Twitter pages.

As I look back, I find periods where life takes over and things get put to the wayside. (This is a hobby after all) Other times I get distracted from the reason I set out to blog. Sometimes talking too much, other times just getting off-topic in general. I'm going to work on that over the next year - I made a list in each of my blog sections of what goes into the hobby, and I want to get back to filling in the things I haven't talked about yet.

These sections, Techniques, Supplies and Musings in addition to my other ones, are one of the ways I try to keep my blog a constantly relevant site. Meaning, I hope that people return here for the tutorials if they're trying to figure something out, or send their friends here who are just starting to learn.

Also in the future, I'll continue updating my Resources page (which has a large list of alternate miniature designers) and growing the Network list of blogs full of all sorts of excellent content. I also have plans to practice what I preach and explore new styles more, I'm just waiting for life to calm down right now.


  1. Congrats man.

    Your blog is one of two hobby blogs I visit. I don't normally do hobby blogs but yours is well done and your tutorials awesome that I can't help but visit.

  2. It's a great blog and thanks for sharing.

  3. Well done ... keep 'em coming !!! :)



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