Wargaming Tradecraft: Voodoo Care Package


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Voodoo Care Package

 The Massive Voodoo care package has arrived!

For those unaware, this was the random prize drawing in the Massive Voodoo Mad Max Contest that I entered my Postapocalyptibuggy in.

What have we here? All sorts of interesting things...

There's some rubble and fencing, sticks and stones, and a few nice looking things that could act as bases to a miniature scene

There was also some foam packed in on top of the items... and who doesn't like foam? amiright?

Finally, a mini was included that tickled me...
A humanoid warthog with a mohawk, goggles and cigar, packing a gun and some sort of scanny thingy...

Pictured here with the humanoid warthog's natural enemy.


  1. Ha! It's totally Rocksteady (or Beebop) from the TMNT cartoon years ago!

  2. Nice little hoard there mate haha.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of TMNT when I saw "Beebop" there.

    Decent haul of terrain and basing stuff with a couple random bits thrown in. Congrats.


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