Wargaming Tradecraft: The Box! The Box!


Friday, May 06, 2011

The Box! The Box!

I've won the random runner up prize from Massive Voodoo's Mad Max competition... a mystery (appropriately) red cross box full of what's no doubt some hobbying goodness!

Check out the winners as they're very deserving of it!

Again, you can see the gallery of all the entries - well worth the time to look through the awesome stuff people entered.

And finally, if you want to see all the steps I put into creating mine, check out the Step by Step page.


  1. Open it already!! open it! open it!

    man, I would never have the patience to put up a post like this. mine would have been open the minute I got it. specialy when I wouldn't know what's inside!

    contents next post?

    I'm jealous anyway....

  2. LOL, patience.. I just won, so I've also got to wait.

  3. oh, I thought you already received it.

    My bad...

  4. Well done! It's very well deserved.

    That pic has us all champing at the bit.

  5. Congrats on the prize. That was some really tough competition to go up against there. I was really blown away by all the entries.

    Eagerly but patiently (mostly) awaiting the unboxing.


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