Wargaming Tradecraft: Postapocalyptibuggy [Part 20]


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Postapocalyptibuggy [Part 20]

The ongoing chronicle and my first attempt at posting Work In Progress shots, this is my entry for the Massive Voodoo Mad Max Car Competition. I'll list them all on my Step by Step page, or you can view the current WIP series.

By the way, we're getting into areas where anyone planning on building vehicles for war can definitely gain some sort of benefit.

Before gluing everything together, make sure you look for areas where you scraped paint off that are still visible. These will need touching up. (Sucks when you've done blending with something like an airbrush.)
The winch goes on first, then the license plate above it.
Someone suggested in the comments that washes make for poor painting of clear objects. (Sorry, I wish I could remember who) They were absolutely right.

HOWEVER, a wash applied and wiped off a few times did tint the clear plastic as you can see with this light.
I wanted something to prop open the hood, so a broken toothpick will do.
The visor has been glued into place.
I'm also starting to fill the bed.

Looking nice with the cover on.
The pain was gluing the stove into place, since the smokestack had to stick out the top. BEFORE gluing the cover on, I put it in place, then used tweezers to place the stove in the right spot, making sure it'd fit.

Then, I applied glue to the bottom of the stove and once again used tweezers to put things in place.
Anything that curves is a pain to glue all at once, so don't even try.

Glue one side down first, let it dry, then the other.

After that, glue the two sides you didn't glue yet. If it's a large enough piece, continue gluing just one side at a time.
*insert tool-man grunting sound*

I used a knife to scratch the windows. The neat thing was, the plastic was hard enough that it actually cracked similar to real windows.

Instead of just scratching, I stuck the tip into the plastic and slowly cut down. In some areas I wiggled. The "glass" spider-webbed slightly.

While you might not be able to see through that so well, it does actually work as a windshield.
The bed is almost full...
Fake snow!

I used a trowel, because it really is the best way to spread and level ground products.
To create coal for the stove, I used tweezers to dip wood shavings in black wash.
Looking much more cool was the wood that I'm going to pile up in the back as spare. Nothing fancy here - again, just used tweezers to dip wood shavings in Devlan Mud wash, THEN I dipped them in my water container and circled them around. Notice how the wood absorbs most of the paint, so that after rinsing them in water, it creates a really nice natural look. (This looks tons better than the cut up sprues I had planned on using)

There's a lot of weight on the front because of the brass scoop. I'm going to try supporting the bumper with putty.

(Toothpicks stuck on either side of the bumper to space it properly while the glue dries)


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