Wargaming Tradecraft: Postapocalyptibuggy [Final]


Friday, April 15, 2011

Postapocalyptibuggy [Final]

A final look of my first attempt at posting Work In Progress shots, this is my entry for the Massive Voodoo Mad Max Car Competition. I'll list them all on my Step by Step page, or you can view the current WIP series.

Well folks, the Postapocalyptibuggy is complete! I hope you've enjoyed the series and found it both interesting and helpful. Don't forget you can check out each of the phases from my Step by Step page. The following is a collection of shots of the final project:

Zee Captain from Romantically Apocalyptic.

And for those who requested, here are some shots of the inside:

minus the wood, I unfortunately don't have an uncovered pic of it.

just incase


  1. Watching this whole process has been great. The finished product is fantastic!

  2. Mere words cannot describe just how awesome this project is. Watching it come to life was a great experience.

  3. Thanks guys, I really like how it turned out as well :)

  4. WOW, nice work Dave. Looks stunning!

    Very nice and realistic job. Well done!

  5. Stunning is right. I love the idea of the individual shots bringing out different elements. Excellent reference material for anyone attempting something similar.

  6. Definitely a top notch job on the photography. The only thing I don't see in the pictures is the truck bed under the tarp and a pic that shows more of the interior. Did you leave the top unglued so it can be removed like you mentioned earlier?

  7. Yeah, the bed ended up being difficult to see in after the tarp covered, and that's glued together.
    I did leave the cab unglued though, so you can see inside and the engine better. Nothing really changed from earlier photos of inside the cab though. Perhaps I should include one of those shots here.

  8. It's probably too late for the competition but a little LED light in the bed would be pretty sweet.

  9. That would have been a good idea.. I expected more light to get in, but no.

  10. It still looks fantastic. Any idea when the contest results will be announced?

  11. That I'm not sure, sooner than later hopefully :) I'm interested in seeing what others came up with too.

  12. Great job. That's really impressive. What I like the most is the mood of it. Everything fits the scene perfectly.

  13. Absolutely brilliant weathering and snow effects. Reminds me of at least a few WW II Eastern Front dioramas I had the luck to see on Armoranma and Missing Lynx, it's that chilly. And the bolter is a fun addition in its own right.

  14. Thanks.

    @Thor: I was hoping to get a mix of barren, with just a touch of hope.

    @Marcin: I worried about how I would end up creating the snow and ice, as well as just how much I would cover.. and I think I ended up with a really nice effect


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