Wargaming Tradecraft: Add a Feed Footer


Thursday, April 07, 2011

Add a Feed Footer

Did you know you can add a little bit of text (max 500 characters) to the end of your feed? That's not a lot of room, so it's not super useful, but it's one more feature you can add to spruce things up. Not just that, but it helps to remind RSS followers that you're a website too - I say this, because I sometimes forget that there's a website behind a feed.

We spruce our blogs up to look nice and add a few extra features, but these can be completely forgotten when we live in RSS. Other uses - maybe you have a contest going on, or some other information you want to ensure your readers know about; this is the perfect place for it to keep everyone informed about what's going on.

You can control this via your Settings - Site Feed.
As an example, here's what I've added to my feed's footer:

<BR/><BR/><table border=1>
<tr><td>Visit <A HREF="http://www.wargamingtradecraft.com">Wargaming Tradecraft</A> for Step by Steps, Techniques, Supply Details, Musings and Resources.
<BR/><A href="http://www.wargamingtradecraft.com/p/q.html">Ask a Question</A>.
<BR/><I>Find content from other authors at the <A Href="http://www.wargamingtradecraft.com/p/network.html">Wargaming Tradecraft Network</A></i></td></tr></table>


  1. Good info. I knew nothing about this. It's good for spacing a feed a little too as they can be wall-of-texty. Thanks!

  2. Anyone know if something similar can be done with Wordpress feeds or feeds through Feedburner?

    I looked around, but I couldn't find anything.

  3. Just took a look through Feedburner myself, and didn't find anything to do it. I'm not familiar with WordPress, so I'm not sure.

  4. Another brilliant tip about a feature that most people probably never knew existed. Dave, is there anything you don't know about blogging?

  5. Heh, thanks.. and probably.. I haven't even been at it a year.


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