Wargaming Tradecraft: Weekly Update


Weekly Update

Aside from requesting input on what to write about blogging and watching the Ultramarines movie, I've talked about sharpening model weapons this week. I'm going to plug it again since traffic was wayyyyy down over the holidays, so check out my Back to Basics Fantasy Model and see some effects of more subtle uses of colour if you haven't already.
There hasn't been much modelling time lately, but with the new year, I should get back into things.

Here's something we've all had to battle - repairing broken minis: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2010/12/repairing-damaged-models.html

Here's a great tutorial on painting gold: http://paintingmunkystyle.blogspot.com/2011/01/painting-recipes-gold.html

Old School's showcasing some awesome looking nids: http://darkfuturegaming.blogspot.com/2010/12/it-came-from-forums-chronos-hive-fleet.html as well as how to make your own Broodlord pretty easy http://darkfuturegaming.blogspot.com/2011/01/plastic-broodlord-conversion-simple-and.html

I hope all of you practiced safe hobbying this new years: http://thepaintingcorps.blogspot.com/2010/12/friday-quick-tip-dont-drink-and-paint.html

Here's a wonderful diorama: http://volomir.blogspot.com/2011/01/last-stand-of-crimson-fists.html

For the Hellraiser fans out there: http://protocol-9.deviantart.com/art/Ahriman-and-the-Rubrics-Cube-178010253

Finally, looks like Chapterhouse Studios has gotten themselves into hot water with Games Workshop. In a lawsuit you can read here, it would appear that GW is tired of CS selling sculpts that look like GW products. (cause, well, they do) According to GW, they get complaints from customers who're confused because CS (allegedly) represents themselves as associated with GW and that CS is causing "injury" to GW's name with their "inferior" quality of product, which has caused "irreparable injury". It sucks, cause other people should be able to sell their own sculpts, especially when GW hasn't gotten around to releasing models for stuff that's had rules for many years, (like the Farseer/Warlock Jetbikes) but to be fair, some of the Chapterhouse stuff is obviously ripped right from 40k. (Like the Super Heavy Assault Walker) Paulson Games is also named in the suit, probably over their Tau guns.

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