Wargaming Tradecraft: Weekly Update


Weekly Update

Not a whole lot going on this week, but it's the holidays and traffic is down. You can take a look at the current Back to Basics post on Fantasy models, looking at cloth and leather and read about a new service I tried called Blogged. Other than that, Happy Holidays, and shortly, Happy New Year!

Spending more than a week on vacation with my trusty 10 year old Sony P3 900mhz laptop, I find the layering in my blog and some of the widgets cause a little lag in the load times - I hope this isn't a problem for most of my readers, so please let me know. As a new year treat, I may have a surprise soon into 2011. Even though I'm on vacation away from the snow, there are a few things I've prepared for y'all this week, so stick around. Also, links are now underlined to stand out a little better.

The LeadHead has a good tutorial on pinning models: http://theleadheadblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/tutorial-pinning-models.html

Double 0 Sven talks about the importance of fluorescent light, which also applies to painting http://double0sven.blogspot.com/2010/12/using-light-in-you-wargame-photography.html

Issues painting black? Here's some help: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2010/12/painting-black-some-help.html

He calls it problems with fluff nazis, I call it problems with WYSIWYGAAC, either way, another solid article from GMort: http://www.houseofpaincakes.com/2010/12/who-says-i-cant.html

Loq continues her look at female gamers: http://aychplace.blogspot.com/2010/12/weekly-whimsy-skin-trade.html

There's a nice looking Baneblade here from Dan http://teninchtemplate.blogspot.com/2010/12/vraksian-baneblade.html

Here's an incredible World Eaters army finished: http://www.hortwerth.com/?p=69

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