Wargaming Tradecraft: Weekly Update


Weekly Update

Slow week... obviously - you can probably tell since the last post is also a "Weekly Update". Just been having trouble getting back into the groove after bronchitis and wasting time with video games. (after a day's work while being medicated, there wasn't the energy for much else) Anyways, slowly getting back into my groove again so expect a brief period of things picking up before I'm on vacation at the end of the month. (I'll see if I can schedule anything to keep you entertained while I'm away) There are a couple posts coming up - Wednesday is the next Back to Basics, and somewhere around that I'll get a post out on dry brushing.

Also, as mentioned, it's a holiday month - so when TheWife and I are freezing in the cold this Friday and Saturday night collecting for local charity, why not hunt somewhere in your own city where you can offer some time/money/food/toys.

Now, a great update on Santa Cruz' Bishkek 2nd Basilisk: http://santacruzwarhammer.blogspot.com/2010/11/bishkek-2nd-basilisk-part-7.html

Ron's written a good tutorial on magnetizing a Space Marine Dread. Magnets really are awesome.

Lamenter from Master of the Forge has a great series on Artscale marines if you're into that thing. (or if you haven't heard of it before) http://masteroftheforge.com/tag/artscale/

Now, when you're basing (http://strictlyaverage.blogspot.com/2010/11/top-tip-simple-flocking.html from Brent) what sort of styles do you do? (http://sonsoftaurus.blogspot.com/2010/11/all-of-us-are-belong-to-our-basing.html from Sons of Taurus) and (http://kennedy40k.blogspot.com/2010/12/basing-reply-of-sorts.html from Kennedy)

Go read Thor's post on being true to yourself rather than just doing what Internet says. http://creativetwilight.com/2010/12/being-true-to-yourself-as-a-player/